Kate, one of our fabulous PTs, joined us fresh out of grad school-- and now, seven years later she's one of our seasoned veterans! Here's the behind-the-scenes scoop on this Italy-loving, running, Broadway-wannabe mama...
Hometown: Native of Savannah, GA
Alumni of… University of Georgia for undergrad (Go Dawgs!), Marymount University for PT school
When you’re not practicing OT/PT, you are… Running, writing, or cooking dinner no one eats.
If I weren’t a therapist, I would be…probably a teacher or an interior decorator? In my wildest, most unrealistic dreams-- Broadway.
When/how did you know you want to be a therapist? In high school, I shared a few integrated classes with students with Down Syndrome and developed great friendships with them. I knew then I wanted to work with children with special needs and after that, the rest fell into place!
What was your first job? Other than baby-sitting, working behind the counter at an Atlanta Bread Co. when I was 15.
Something your best friend would tell us that we don’t know about you… Unrelated: I am a triplet (two identical twin brothers), I am always five minutes late, and I listen more than I talk.
Top 3 Highlights of your life: Getting married, finishing PT school, having kids—in chronological order.
Pet Peeves: Any form of audible chewing…I should probably eat with headphones on.

Best Vacation: Traveling Italy after I finished PT school
Greatest challenge you’ve overcome… Does potty training count?
Weirdest thing in your purse right now… I have kids, everything in there is weird, random, and probably rotten.
The last book you read is… I am simultaneously reading “Big Little Lies” and “Alexander Hamilton” (and not making much progress).
Favorite musician/band/music… Currently, Drew Holcomb and Ed Sheeran
Favorite movies… If I have to choose: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Father of the Bride
Your most overused words/phrases: “Boot scoot!!” (My life is a never-ending battle of getting people out of the house.)
Describe your worst hairstyle… Pretty much any time I’ve tried to rediscover my natural hair color.
Pick 3 words to describe yourself at 13… Awkward, lonely, and squishy (too honest?)
What’s your favorite season… Fall…because boots, pumpkins, and football.
Any advice to future therapists? Think REALLY hard about those student loans!
If you could eat any food, as much as you wanted, without repercussions it would be… Easy- chips and guac.
Favorite place you’ve lived… Athens, GA—great college town.
Any Hidden Talents? Is communicating in movie quotes a talent?
One thing you just can’t make yourself get rid of… Old college t-shirts (admittedly that I never wear).
Sport you would get picked last for…
All of them. But I would probably break out into hives if you asked me to play volleyball.
Your role model as a kid? Would you believe me if I said Amy Grant? Also, my mom who can do/make/sew ANYTHING.
And that's it for this month's spotlight-- thanks Kate!