Rio 2016: Coast on the Inspiration!
August 30, 2016
I know we were all captivated by the Olympics this month-- who can't resist the history-making Michael Phelps and Simone Biles?? And even though it kept us up into the wee hours of the morning, we love events that motivate our kids to work harder, and provide strong, positive role models! We, as therapists, are inspired too by the many levels and style of competition; we created "swimming" competitions on the scooterboards and gymnastics "vaulting" practicing sticking the landing in the halls of Good Beginnings.
We wanted to share a few of our ideas with you to keep the Olympic spirit alive and keep your kids motivated. So here are a few of our low-cost and easily accessible games to try at home with your kids and students.
And don't forget-- the Olympics REALLY AREN'T over! The Paraolympics start next week on September 7th! So keep those kids moving, working, and inspired.