Staff Spotlight: Getting to Know Susan Murphy

August 11, 2017

Meet Susan, one of our fabulous OTs here at Good Beginnings, and the latest victim  highlight of our August Staff Spotlight! Here are a few things you might not know about her...

Hometown: Birmingham, Michigan

Alumni of… Eastern Michigan University

If I weren’t a therapist, I would be… I always thought I'd be a photographer for National Geographic Magazine, traveling the world or a NASA engineer, but I'm a terrible math student!

Worst job you've ever had? I delivered newspapers door to door for 2 years when I was 10-12, on my banana seat bike...even during the winter months which last forever in Michigan!!

Pet Peeves: Soft cookies, and the noise from squishing partially empty plastic water bottles, usually by the hands of my kids, in the car.

Best Vacation: 
Our honeymoon to New Zealand and our trips to France.

Most challenging you’ve ever done… Before kids I was more adventurous and completed a tandem sky diving dive in MS, where I lived for a while. We flew to 14,500 feet and did 2 flips out the door, AND I landed on my FEET!! I don't know if this will ever happen again! I then completed my first marathon followed by a week of scuba diving in the Bahamas. That's where my buddy and I were swished away in the middle of the ocean and had to wait 2 decompression stops before surfacing, far away from the boat. I was totally scared but kept my cool!

Weirdest thing in your purse right now… A plastic spoon, 3 packs of gum, 2 nut bars. NO cash-- THAT would be weird!

The last book you read is… The Nightingale, loved the story about the relationship between two sisters. I'll probably read it again. [Editor's note: This is a GREAT book!]

Favorite movies… This one is too hard for me! I love the quirky and funny Princess Bride, A Christmas Story, Pitch Perfect and Bridesmaid. But also the drama/comedy of Love Actually, 007 James Bond series, drama of Shawshank Redemption and fantasy of Lord of the Rings. And Poltergeist was a great scary movie! Can't forget scary!!

Describe your worst hairstyle… That would be my Dorthy Hamill hair cut that was so popular way back when. It wasn't flattering on me nor did I look anything like her! (Do kids even know who she is?)

What’s your favorite season… Spring-time!!

If you could eat any food, as much as you wanted, without repercussions it would be… Panang Red Curry Chicken-- mouth watering!

Any Hidden Talents? I danced Ballet for 20 years.

One thing you just can’t make yourself get rid of… I have an entire room full of stuff I try to get rid of but I can't part with my boys first pair of soft shoes and winter hats, and my wedding dress...and crafts made by me in preschool...and my kid's homemade pottery...and many many cookbooks...

Sport you would get picked last for… I was always the last pick for kick ball in elementary school.

And that's it for this month's spotlight-- thanks Susan!

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